Coding for kids online: Scratch Intermediate Coding Course

Scratch Intermediate Online via Zoom

Scratch Intermediate coding course is the next step after Scratch Beginner one-year program. It’s designed to prepare our students for the text based coding courses such as Intro to Java or Intro to Python

Scratch Intermediate online coding course is designed for kids who have completed our Scratch Beginner one year coding course, or have a similar coding experience.  The Scratch  Intermediate course consists of four levels (10 lessons per level) and 20 sophisticated software projects, which students develop using block-based coding in Scratch. Students create their own versions of Geometry DashPacman, Space Invaders, Asteroids, code an analogue clock, quiz games and interactive drawing apps. Students learn and apply computer science concepts such as functionsnested loopsrecursive algorithmsbooleans and lists. Students also learn the basics of User Interface design and data validation. Students use an online programming environment with endless access to online study materials, allowing them to advance their coding skills outside their virtual classroom.

8-11 Years Old
Prior experience with Scratch is recommended
Fast Internet, Chrome Browser, Laptop or Desktop computer
Save $50 Creative Kids Approved Provider

Course Snapshot

  • Block based coding
  • Ideal for students who have prior experience with Scratch
  • Only 7 students per class
  • Live interaction with CODE4FUN instructors
  • 20 software project to create
  • Certificates and student reports on the completion of 4 levels of the course

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(5 classes available)

Level 1:

Every Friday 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm (NSW Time)
Online via Zoom
Scratch Intermediate - Level 1
07 Feb - 11 Apr | 10 weeks
8-11 Years Old
Fast Internet, Chrome Browser, Laptop or Desktop computer
Per term $280

Level 2:

Every Wednesday 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm (NSW Time)
Online via Zoom
Scratch Intermediate - Level 2
05 Feb - 09 Apr | 10 weeks
8-11 Years Old
Fast Internet, Chrome Browser, Laptop or Desktop computer
Per term $280
Every Friday 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm (NSW Time)
Online via Zoom
Scratch Intermediate - Level 2
07 Feb - 11 Apr | 10 weeks
8-11 Years Old
Fast Internet, Chrome Browser, Laptop or Desktop computer
Per term $280

Level 3:

Every Thursday 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm (NSW Time)
Online via Zoom
Scratch Intermediate - Level 3
06 Feb - 10 Apr | 10 weeks
8-11 Years Old
Fast Internet, Chrome Browser, Laptop or Desktop computer
Per term $280

Level 4:

Every Wednesday 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm (NSW Time)
Online via Zoom
Scratch Intermediate - Level 4
05 Feb - 09 Apr | 10 weeks
8-11 Years Old
Fast Internet, Chrome Browser, Laptop or Desktop computer
Per term $280