The Java Pro course focuses on 2D and 3D game development and ideal for students who completed our Intro to Java course. Java Pro course is recommended to those who are passionate about game development and plan to study Unity & C# in the future.
Join our Java Pro online coding courses for kids. The Java Pro course consists of four levels (10 lessons per level) and 22 2D and 3D projects. Students advance their skills in text-based coding using Processing, a visual-based implementation of Java. Students learn how to create procedural islands, 3D photos, physics engines and tic-tac-toe games through a series of learner projects where students become familiar with high-level concepts. Knowledge of concepts including pixel processing, procedural generation, and collision detection are synthesised in the 4 major projects at the end of each level. Students use an online programming environment with endless access to online study materials, allowing them to advance their coding skills outside their classroom.