Term 1, 2025. Beginners are welcome. No experience required.
Scratch Beginner coding course is ideal for Primary school kids with no prior experience. Students develop 27 software projects: games, animations and simple apps.
Join our Scratch Beginner online coding classes for kids. The Beginner course consists of four levels (10 lessons per level) and 27 projects. The main goal of the course is to ensure students understand the fundamentals of coding. Students create simple video games such as Pong, Breakout, Slither.io and develop simple animations and cartoons. Using block-based coding in Scratch developed by MIT Media Lab students learn the fundamentals of computer science concepts and coding terminology such as loops, conditionals and variables. Students are closely guided through the creation of their programs and are encouraged to work independently. Students use an online programming environment, with endless access to online study materials, allowing them to advance their coding skills outside their virtual classroom.
Scratch Intermediate coding course is the next step after Scratch Beginner one-year program. It’s designed to prepare our students for the text based coding courses such as Intro to Java or Intro to Python
Scratch Intermediate online coding course is designed for kids who have completed our Scratch Beginner one year coding course, or have a similar coding experience. The Scratch Intermediate course consists of four levels (10 lessons per level) and 20 sophisticated software projects, which students develop using block-based coding in Scratch. Students create their own versions of Geometry Dash, Pacman, Space Invaders, Asteroids, code an analogue clock, quiz games and interactive drawing apps. Students learn and apply computer science concepts such as functions, nested loops, recursive algorithms, booleans and lists. Students also learn the basics of User Interface design and data validation. Students use an online programming environment with endless access to online study materials, allowing them to advance their coding skills outside their virtual classroom.
The Intro to Java course is designed for Grade 6 – 11 students who enjoy digital art and video games. Students will code 30 digital art projects, animations and games.
Join our Intro to Java coding course for kids. It is designed for one year and consists of four levels (10 lessons per level). Students learn the basics of text-based coding using Processing, a simplified version of Java. Students develop a variety of 2D and 3D digital art animations, apps and games. This course covers the key computer science concepts such as functions, loops, if statements, variables, lists, booleans, recursive algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, and how these concepts are used in Java. Students use an online programming environment Openprocessing.org, allowing them to advance their coding skills outside their classroom.
Intro to Python coding course is ideal for Grade 6 – 11 kids with no prior coding experience. Recommended to those who enjoy Advanced Maths and logic games
Join our Intro to Python online coding course for kids. It consists of four levels (10 lessons per level) and 20 software projects. Throughout this course students learn the basics of Python, a text-based industry standard language. Students develop a variety of logic based games, encryption algorithms, fractal patterns and mathematically inspired exercises using Trinket, an online programming environment. This course covers the key computer science concepts such as functions, loops, if statements, variables, lists, booleans, recursive algorithms; and how they are used in Python. Students use an online programming environment with endless access to online study materials, allowing them to advance their coding skills outside their virtual classroom.