Intro to Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript - CODE4FUN:

Intro to Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript Online via Zoom

Students learn Web Development languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript and create their own webpages and website prototypes from the ground up. We’ll learn how to create and format multiple User Interface structures and how to build a foundational framework for increasingly interactive websites.

Students learn Web Development languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript and create their own webpages and website prototypes from the ground up. We’ll learn how to create and format multiple User Interface structures and how to build a foundational framework for increasingly interactive websites.

Expansions into Databases, Analytics,  PHP/SQL and Networking are also under consideration.

14-18 years old
prior coding experience is required
HTML / CSS / JavaScript
Save $50 Creative Kids Approved Provider

Book Online class

(1 class available)

Level 1:

Every Monday 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm (NSW Time)
Online via Zoom
Intro to Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Level 1
03 Feb - 07 Apr | 10 weeks
14 - 18 years old, prior experience required
Per term $280