Creative Coding - Scratch - CODE4FUN:
Parent/Carer's details
First name
Please provide a first name.
Last name
Please provide a last name.
Please provide a valid email adreess.
Please provide a phone number.
Child/Student details
First name
Please provide a first name.
Last name
Please provide a last name.
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Please provide a valid date of birth: dd/mm/yyyy

If wanting to claim the Creative Kids rebate please ensure that students date of birth is correct.

Student's school
Please provide a student school name.
Medical conditions / Additional information
Creative Kid's Rebate - Save $50 (NSW students only)
Creative Kid's voucher number for this student

Payment details
McAuley Catholic Primary school - Term 1, 2025 | In-Person
Creative Coding - Scratch - LEVEL 1
Every Tuesday 7:40 am - 8:40 am 11 Feb - 08 Apr | 9 weeks Suitable for: Y1 - Y6 | New students are welcome Laptops are provided by CODE4FUN
1 x $252

Only $202 with Creative Kids rebate (NSW students only).

Thank you for submitting your Creative Kids Voucher.
You will receive a $50 refund within 3-5 business days for each validated voucher.